
专业讲解 有问必答
时间:2025年02月12日 地点:视频号丨抖音丨小红书 搜索 [燕姐谈移民]



2014-06-09    阅读:2141次               






  My life likely to last ten to fifteen years. Any separation from you will be painful for me. Remember that before you buy me.
  Give me time to understand what you want of me.
  Don’t be angry for me for long and don’t lock me up as punishment. You have your work,your entertainment and your friends. I have only you.
  Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don’t understand your words. I understand your voice when it’s speaking to me.
  Be aware that however you treat me, I’ll never forget it and if it’s cruel it may affect me forever.
  Remember before you hit me that I have teeth that could easily crush the bones of your hand,but that I choose not to bite you.
  Before you scold me for being uncooperative,please ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I’m not getting the right food,or I’ve been run in the sun too long or my heart is getting old and weak.
  Take care of me when I get old. You too,will grow old.
  Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say I can’t bear to watch it or let it happen in my absent . Everything is easily for me if you are there. Remember,I love you.

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